Coconut Fatty Acid Distillate

SKU: coconut-fatty-acid-distillate


Coconut Fatty Acid Distillate is the side product obtained during the refining process of crude coconut oil. Our product collected from coconut oil refineries which takes the form of reddish brown liquid at room temperature.

Our CFAD contains a high percentage of lauric fatty acid,  It is mainly used in soap, cosmetics, and biodiesel manufacturing industries.


FFA as Lauric             : 65,00 % Min  (AOCS Ca 5a - 40)

Moisture & Impurities : 1,00 % Max (AOCS Ca 2c - 25)

Iodine Value (Wijs)    : 15,00 Max (AOCS Cd 1 - 25)


Flexi bag  : Capacity 20-21.5 Ton

Drum        : Capacity 190 Kg

Tote Bag   : Capacity 915 Kg  


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