Binjai Rambutan - PT Sumber Air Hidup Sentosa

SKU: fruta


Binjai Rambutan is a variety of fruit tree originating from Binjai, North Sumatra, and has been planted throughout Indonesia.

Although this plant prefers a humid climate, Binjai Rambutan requires a dry season (drought) of about 3-4 months to stimulate flower formation.

Binjai Rambutan fruit usually can be harvested 120 days after flowering.

A Binjai Rambutan tree can produce 500-700 kg of Rambutan fruit per tree.

Binjai Rambutan has its own uniqueness compared to other Rambutan varieties.

The fruit flesh is white, firm, non sticky (doesn't stick to the seed), and the flesh is dense due to its low water content, making it non sticky.

The seed is round and moderately sized. As for the taste, there's no doubt about it. Binjai Rambutan is famous for its extremely sweet flavor.


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