Nutmeg Whole AB

SKU: especies


Aflatoxin: Not Detected (<1.5 ppb)

Color: Light Brown

Moisture: 13% Max

Foreign Matter: 1% Max

Packing: 50kg Nett Weight / Bags

Loading: 20feet -> 10MT - 12MT (Approx)


Nutmeg is an Evergreen tree, which grows to a height of 60 feet. The tree yields Two Spices – the Dark Colored Nutmeg and the Bright Red Mace that covers it. The principal Import Markets of Nutmeg are the European Community, United States, Japan, and India. Singapore and the Netherlands are major Re-Exporters of Nutmeg.


CV Bumi Maju Sejahtera is a supplier of High-Quality Nutmeg from Banda Neira, the renowned origin of this aromatic spice.

El Centro de Promoción Comercial de Indonesia (ITPC, su siglo en ing.) en la Ciudad de México es una organización gubernamental sin fines de lucro y no tomamos ninguna ganancia/comisión/márgenes.