SKU: azucarDescripción
Palm Sugar Organic sugar substitute CONTENT AND BENEFITS OF ORGANIC palm sugar
1. Contains Thiamin (Vitamin B1) Functions as a coenzyme in energy metabolism, Strengthens the nervous system and muscles, Helps the body make and use protein.
2. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Helps form red blood cells, produces antibodies, together with enzymes produces energy needed by the human body, together with vitamin A repairs the mucous membranes in the digestive tract, inhibits cell damage during the energy production process, improves the working system of tissues and the body's digestive tract.
3. Nicotinic Acid (Vitamin B3) Prevents and softens acne scars, Prevents constipation and hemorrhoids.
4. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) Protein and Carbohydrate Metabolism, Helps in the production of red blood cells, Helps the body's immune system.
5. Ascorbic Acid has an antibiotic function, prevents rheumatism, flu and asthma, prevents cancer, creates an immune system, strengthens bones and joints, has antioxidant properties and is able to ward off free radicals.
6. Calcium Improves blood circulation, Normalizes Blood Pressure, Balances blood acidity levels, Prevents Osteoporosis (bone loss), Prevents Heart Disease and reduces the risk of Colon Cancer, Restores decreased/weakened sex drive.
7. Niacin functions as a coenzyme in the metabolism of glucose, fat and alcohol, helps healthy skin, nervous system and digestive system, reduces LDL cholesterol levels, improves brain function.
Product packaging sizes 500 grams and 20 kg